Computer-assisted Diabetes Risk Management

Dimension Wert
Fördernde Institutionen
  • Nicht angegeben
  • Funktionsbereich
    • Perspektive der Person
      • Personenzentrierte Produktentwicklung
    Typ des Forschungsergebnisses
  • Methode
  • Zielgruppe
  • Patienten
  • Project

    The CDRM Project will develop, test, and analyse a new integrated care approach for diabetes patients. The abbreviation CDRM stands for ‘computer-assisted diabetes risk management’.

    The research project (CDRM-Study) as part of the overall project will focus on the evaluation of this approach using an electronic, health record (EHR) as data and information platform in combination with a CDRM tool to better manage the complex disease. It promises to improve diabetes prevention and therapy and aims to identify and reduce the risks of long-term complications and secondary illness. The doctor and the patient take a centre stage within this approach which …

    • supports services of health care professionals,
    • eases patients’ dealing with their own disease,
    • enhances the value of diagnostic information by improving the integration of different health care services.

    CDRM systems have the potential to improve health outcomes and diabetes patients’ health related quality of life. Furthermore, these instruments as well as the electronic health record could reduce overall health care costs.

    Today, besides the challenge of financing prevention and therapy, the critical question is less ‘if’ but much more ‘how’ preventive or therapeutic measures should be realised in medical practice. Thus, our research will focus on the health technology assessment of a new computer-assisted care approach and its effects on health outcomes. Medical practice needs to know more on the impact of new technology and therapeutic strategies which could optimise health care and solve some of the problems modern health systems suffer from.

    Therefore, the CDRM-Study will examine a promising preventive intervention approach using a Diabetes monitoring system for cardiovascular risk factors and will evaluate its potential in daily care. It consists of a digital device integration component transferring vital parameters to a personal health record as data exchange platform and a CDRM-Tool creating individual risk reports for an intensified diabetes management.

    The research was realised in co-operation with the …

    Institute of Medical Sociology
    and Social Medicine
    Medical Faculty Marburg
    University of Marburg, Germany

    Department of Epidemiology
    University Medical Center Groningen
    University of Groningen
    The Netherlands

    If you are interested in this project or if you may have questions about our research, please contact Stefan Stadler initiator of this project and head of the study coordination.


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